
Introduction to bandit problems

Bandit problems are a class of machine learning problems concerned with attempting to optimize return given a fixed set of choices (actions) we can take from a fixed but possibly non-stationary state. It is specialized case of reinforcement learning where there is only a single state.

For this introduction I will consider only stationary bandit problems.

In brief, suppose our bandit is selecting actions \(a\) that result in a reward drawn from a random distribution \(r\sim P(R|a)\). This distribution can be continuous, discrete, or mixed (or even a deterministic single value \(P(R|a) =\delta(R-r)\)). We say that this distribution is controlled by the environment \(\mathcal{E}\). The goal of the bandit is to try to maximize the sum of the rewards (called the total return \(G\)) given \(N\) opportunities to receive a reward from the environment.

In standard bandit problems, there are a finite number of discrete number \(n\) of actions \(a_i\in\{a_1,a_2,...,a_n \}=\mathcal{A}\).

Thus, the total return can be written as

\[G = \sum_{i=1}^N r_i\,,\ r_i\sim P(R|a\in\mathcal{A})\,.\]

Assuming \(N\) is large, this means that we can obtain an optimal return by selecting an action that yields the highest exected return value

\[\hat{a} = \underset{a}{\operatorname{argmax}}\mathbb{E}[R|a]\,.\]

The purpose of bandit algorithms are to try to learn from the environment which action is optimal.

This repository is created to help explore this question in different contexts, or to run bandit experiments. You can find modular, fully tested implementations of rewards, environments, bandits, and a helpful construction called a posse or a collection of bandits to run an experiment with. In addition, helpful standard plotting routines for investigating bandit statistics are implemented in the figures methods.

Read on to see advanced bandit problems solved using this package, as well as references for further learning.